Tuesday 25 August 2015

10 days here.

Dear readers,
I'm not really aware about all of this but let's start.
I'm here from a 10 days so a lot of things have already happened.
I've already been to Edinburgh twice and it is sooooooooooo goood and magic, I think it's the best city ever! (Today we went up to a hill and the view was breathtaking).

I love Scotland.

•My host family is perfect: I love when my hmum gives me a cup of tea; I love when she asks me about my day at school and if I'm OK. She's always really kind and I can speak to her about everything! Also my German hsis is enjoyable and funny and I usually spend a lot of time with her (the other hsis is away now so I've never met her, looking forward to her arrival).
•School started on 19th August and I took English Maths Physics French and Engineering (I have to change this one because is too much difficult: I've never done things like electronics in my life and I don't like them ahah). Here I also have two obliged hours of PE and (I don't) like them :).
The level of the subjects is Higher and they are realllyyy difficult! In Maths I think we are doing something of the IV year of high school in Italy. I have 6 hours per week for every subject so I can study them very well.

•Perth is amazing and I love it. It has a lot of stuff to do and has a big train station so I can go wherever I want.

•The Scottish accent isn't too bad! I can understand more or less everything (thanks tv series). I can always say what I want to say even if, sometimes, I have to think for a while.

This Sunday I'm meeting all the other exchange students here in Scotland for an orientation!

Sorry for the short post but I don't really have time here! I don't know when I write the next post, I hope soon.
Bye for now.
~Tommaso (here I want they call me tom because they can't pronounce my name!)

1 comment:

  1. Mio marito è tornato a casa qualche settimana fa. Al momento stiamo andando a consigliare, pregare e leggere i devozionali insieme e frequentare la chiesa. Mi ha detto che è dispiaciuto per il modo in cui mi ha ferito e che mi ama davvero. Sono ancora in piedi come mio marito. Per chi spera che i propri cari tornino a casa! contatta la dottoressa Adeleke e ripristinerà il tuo matrimonio proprio come ha fatto con me.
    La sua email è ( aoba5019@gmail.com ) o whatsApp ( +27740386124 )..Contattalo oggi se hai bisogno della sua assistenza nella tua relazione o in qualsiasi altro caso.
    1) Incantesimi d'amore
    2) Incantesimi d'amore perduti
    3) Ferma gli incantesimi del divorzio
    4) Incantesimi nuziali
    5) Incantesimo di gravidanza
    6) Spezzare gli incantesimi
    7) Incantesimo di morte
    8.) Vuoi essere promosso nel tuo ufficio
    9) vuoi soddisfare il tuo amante
    10) Lotteria
    Contatta questo grande uomo se hai problemi per una soluzione duratura tramite (+27740386124)
